Daily Archives: November 1, 2015

Sambel Pencit | Easy, Spicy and Fresh Indonesian Style (Unripe) Mango Salsa


Mango Season is Coming!

Yaaaaaaaaaaasssss beibeh.

Here in Indonesia we don’t only have dry and rainy season. We have all kind of tropical fruit season throughout the yar. Mango season is definitely one of the most awaited seasons of all. Lucky us, we happen to have two mango trees in our front yard. As you can see on the picture we’ll harvest a lot of mangoes this season! This is actually also surprising for us. Our trees don’t usually fruit this much. These mango are beyond organic-home grown-best mango we can get!


This afternoon we decided to have humble food as lunch. Some fried tempeh (indonesian fermented soybean cake), tofu and chicken on steaming hot white rice. We need something to complement our humble dish with something that can elevate the taste of our lunch menu. The best one true pairing and perfect condiment for any kind of Indonesian Food is undoubtedly Sambal Sauce. Sambal is an Indonesian traditional spicy sauce originated from the island of Java. This traditional sauce is typically made from chili pepper and variation ingredients such as shrimp paste, tomato, shallot, garlic and so on. The ingredients may differ depend on what kind of sambal we make. However it shares one common thing: IT IS SPICY!

SAMBAL is like the staple condiment in Indonesian household. We like our food spicy. Even some of the dishes we cook and eat are not all spicy, we can simply just add sambal in it to give that extra hot kick! We have wide variety sambal sauce to name. Each region has its own distinct sambal sauces.

Since all we got for lunch was fried dishes, we need something fresh to balance it out. What is more fresh than a Sambal Pencit (pencit is un-ripe mango) which the main ingredient is plucked just before being processed. The tangy slightly sweet and spicy taste of the sambal will cut all the greasiness of the fried tempeh, tofu and chicken. Without further a do, i’ll share you the recipe of this amazing sambal sauce. Hope you’ll enjoy it.

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Indonesian Style Unripe Mango Salsa


  • 1 unripe mangoes. Finely julienned or grated(i use 2 kinds of mangoes, half and half).
  • 21 birds’ eye chili (super spicy. Indonesian loves spicy food!)
  • 3 cayenne peppers
  • 2 cloves of garlics.
  • 5 cloves of shallots.
  • 1 tbsp of Terasi (Indonesian dried fermented shrimp paste) pre-fried or pre-roasted.
  • A pinch of salt to taste.
  • A pinch of sugar to taste.
  • 2 tbsp of heated cooking oil (or any flavorless oil you prefer)
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  • Chopped all the ingredients (chili, pepper, garlic and shallot). It will help you a lot. So, you don’t need to do too much grinding on the next step.
  • Put all the chopped ingredients into the mortar.
  • Add salt, sugar and terasi to taste.
  • Ground all the ingredients and mix it well with your pestle.
  • Once all the ingredients are mixed well, pour the hot oil in it.
  • One last step is put the julienne mangoes in your sambal. Give it a mix one last time until each stick of mango well coated in your spicy sambal!
  • Done.
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It’s easy

It is super fresh.

Super flavorful!

Tangy, sweet, spicy, salty at the same time.

It’s an exploxion of taste in your mouth.

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Our humble & unpretentious lunch.

So yummy and easy.

See ya on the next blog post and the next recipe. Hopefully i can post more often.

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog post. 🙂