Daily Archives: November 8, 2015

PENNE ALL’ARRABIATA CON POLO | Fiery, Spicy Chicken Penne with Shocking Secret Ingredient

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I never knew writing could be this fun and fulfilling until i started this blog. I mean, i’ve been so productive these last few days. Actively writing 3 days in a row (with this post, it will be 4 days). Even myself find it very shocking! Like what i wrote on the APPETIZER, i have made 2 blogs before. Both of them ended tragically, i never updated them with new posts.

Does writing a blogpost about my cooking has become my biggest passion? I don’t know. That can be true, but also there is also another reason that i think helps me enjoy this new activity more. There is this continuity in my cooking recently, so the writing becomes easier thing ro do. I made the mango salsa, then i also use mango in my yogurt. After that, i use leftover milk from the yogurt making into creamy sauce for my penne. Today, i still follow that pattern and make another batch of Penne. Mostly use the same main ingredients but with another sauce. In this recipe i am about to share, there will be a shocking sectakesingredient. I hope you keep an open mind about that. Either love it or leave it, that’s your choice.

So here is the recipe:



Main Ingredients:

  • 150 gr of Penne.
  • 1 tbsp of Cooking Oil. Optional (to be boiled with pasta and prevent them from sticking)
  • A sprinkle of Salt. To taste.
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  • 150 gr of Chicken Fillet. Cut into chunks.
  • 1 large Egg.
  • 2 tbsp Cooking Oil. For stirfrying the egg and chicken.
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  • 2 tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • 1/2 medium sized Onion. Chopped.
  • 3 cloves of Garlic. Crushed & chopped.
  • 2 large Tomatoes. Cut into chunks.
  • 1 Cayenne Pepper.
  • 3 Birds’ Eye Chilli Pepper.
  • 2 tbsp of Yogurt. (YES. THIS IS THE SECRET INGREDIENT!)
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  • A pinch of Salt. To taste.
  • A pinch of White Pepper. Freshly ground. To taste.
  • A pinch of Dried Rosemary.
  • A pinch of Dried Basil.
  • A pinch of Dried Oregano.
  • A pinch of Paprika Powder.
  • A pinch of Edam Cheese. Freshly grated as garnish.
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  • Cook the pasta in the salted water. You can follow the instruction on the package or you can read my previous post here.
  • While the pasta is cooking you can start making the sauce.
  • Prep all the ingredients as instructed above.
  • Heat 2 tbsp cooking oil into the skillet over a medium heat.
  • Crack open an egg into the skillet and make a scramble egg out of it.
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  • Stir the chunked chicken fillet in the egg. Continue stirring until the chicken turns into white-ish color.
  • After that, You can either move the now cooked egg & chicken in a plate or keep it in the skillet and move on to the next step.
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  • Add in 2 tbsp of EVOO. Once the oil is hot, toss in the sliced onion. Don’t burn it and keep stirring the onion until it translucents.
  • Stir in the garlic for 30 seconds.
  • Toss in the sliced peppers followed by the chunked tomatoes into the skillet.
  • Throw in all the dried herbs.
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  • All you need to do now is keep stirring everything and adding the pasta water. Do it over and over again unril the tomatoes break a part and dissolve (not necessary dissolve entirely) into sauce.
  • If earlier you move the proteins into the plate, this is the time you put them back in to the skillet.
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  • Lastly, pour the drained Penne into the sauce and give it a stir for one last time and mix them all well.
  • Serve it in a plate. Drizzle the penne with freshly grated edam or parmesan cheese. Done!
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It is so easy. Only takes 15-20 minutes to make. The key is keep stirring everything, adding more water, stirring it again until the water evaporates, pouring some more water and stir over and over again. Do that over and over again until the tomatoes dissolve into the sauce consistency you desire. About the yogurt, of course that was just me doing whatever i want. As i told you earlier in this post, you can either leave it or love it. I think i love the result. It ‘s a lil bit creamy, not too spicy (even though i love super spicy food), and it elevates the natural acidity of the tomato. I hope you find this recipe easy to follow. Happy cooking, Peeps! 🙂