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Simply Delish Deep Fried Chicken Fillet with Home Made Tomato Sauce


Hi bloggies in the entire blogosphere who stumbled on my page. Welcome!

Well, even though i have not been posting any recipe on this blog, i do actually cook and bake almost every-gewd-d*mn-day. I’m just too lazy to take picts, edit them, write and post it. Particularly in the photo production department, i mostly forgot to take the final product picture. Dunno why. Always in that d*mn part!

Today i just feel like updating this blog. Not really planning what to cook beforehand tho. I just went to check what’s available in my fridge. There are chicken fillet and some big juicy tomatoes. It didn’t take too long before finally i decided to cook Deep Fried Chicken Fillet with House Made Tomato Sauce. Simply delish!

So, without further a do. Here’s the recipe:

D E E P  F R I E D  C H I C K E N  F I L L E T



  • 1 kg of Chicken Fillet
  • 2 cloves of Garlic
  • 2 large Eggs


  • 5 tablespoons of All Purpose Flour
  • 5 tablespoons of Maize / Corn Starch
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Dried Rosemary
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Dried Oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Paprika Powder
  • 1 teaspoon of White Pepper
  • 1/3 teaspoon of Salt

*Actually i didn’t do the exact measurements. Simply just eyeball everything and basically you can adjust it based on your liking.

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  • Finely grate the garlic and rub it onto the chicken fillet. Let it sit for several minutes.
  • Slice or cut the chicken to your preferred size, thickness and shape. For me personally, i like to slice it diagonally.
  • In a Plate #1, blend together all purpose flour, a lil bit salt, dried rosemary and oregano.
  • Crack the egg into a bowl and loosely beat it.
  • In a Plate #2, blend in the corn starch, paprika powder, white pepper and a lil bit salt.
  • Lightly flour the sliced chicken with the flour mixture in Plate #1.
  • Dip in the lightly floured chicken into the egg.
  • Pick the chicken out of the egg wash and toss it into the Plate #2. Make sure that the chicken is well coated in the flour mixture then shake off the excess with strainer.
  • Fry the chicken in hot oil until golden brown and cooked perfectly. Didn’t take long since i thinly sliced it.

H O M E M A D E  T O M A T O  S A U C E



  • 3 large Tomatoes
  • 1 bulb of Small Onion
  • 3 cloves of Garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of Sugar (to taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Salt (to taste)
  • 1/3 teaspoon of White Pepper (to taste)
  • 1/3 teaspoon of Dried Oregano (optional)
  • 1/3 teaspoon of Dried Rosemary (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Paprika Powder (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Corn Starch (dissolved in 1 tablespoon of luke warm water – acting as the thickening agent)

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  • Finely chop garlic and onion. Cut all the tomatoes into chunks. Put it in the food processor along with chopped garkic and onion. Blend them well.
  • Preheat one teaspoon of unsalted butter in a pan over medium heat.
  • Pour in the blended mixture into the preheated pan.
  • Toss all the seasonings in the mixture. Give it a good stir and let it simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Additionally pour in water little by little so it won’t be burnt. Give it a taste and feel free to add more seasonings to your liking
  • Lastly, add in the corn starch and water mixture in the sauce. Mix it all well and wait until it thickens then turn off the heat.
  • DONE!

You can actually just eat it as is. But in my case, or like most Indonesian do, we don’t take this dish for granted. We eat it as a main dish along with steamed rice, vegetables and other side dishes. Just like this meal i had for lunch. Yummm!


BOLU PANGGANG TANPA PENGEMBANG | Basic Vanilla Sponge Cake with No Artificial Improver

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Processed with VSCO


We, me & my family, don’t really adopt a healthy lifestyle. We do try our best to look for healthier choices, though. Like this recipe i am about to share. It’s not necessarily healthier than the regular sponge cake with added artificial substances. No chemical improver means more eggs. More eggs equal to higher cholesterol numbers.

Still, there is this different level of satisfaction when you can bake the cake perfectly without additional improver. It’s like when you can manage to keep the house clean & spotless without any helps from a maid or cleaning service. Well, i don’t know if that’s the right comparison. For me personally, that’s what i can think of.

I guarantee that you’ll love this recipe. It is super easy, like seriously, super easy even for amateur baker like me. The prep only takes 15 minutes and it needs 20-25 minutes to bake. The result is super satisfying. The cake is moist, fluffy and raise perfectly (mine was super puffed and even cracked).


Basic Vanilla Sponge Cake with Almond Sprinkled on Top


  • 6 Eggs. Whites & yolk separated.
  • 190gr Sugar. I use granulated (you may use powdered sugar, no icing sugar)
  • 200gr Low Protein Flour. Sieved.
  • 75ml Cooking Oil.
  • 115ml Luke Warm Water.
  • 1tsp Salt. To taste.
  • 1tsp Vanilla Essence/Paste/Freshly scraped vanilla bean.
  • A handful of Almond. Toasted & sliced.



  • Beat the egg whites with your electric hand mixer until it forms stiff & firm peak. Start with the lowest speed and gradually increase the speed to the fastest.
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  • In different bowl, mix the egg yolks and sugar. Beat the mixture well until it becomes frothy and the color turns pale.
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  • Pour in warm water, cooking oil and vanilla essence into the mixture. Beat it with the hand mixer in low speed.
  • Turn off your electric hand mixer. Sieve in the flour and salt. Fold in the flour into the mixture until there is no lump in the batter.

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  • The batter is not ready just yet. The last step to complete the batter is to add in the whisked egg whites. Fold in the egg whites into the batter with your spatula. Don’t over mix it as it needs the air in the whisked egg whites.
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  • Once the batter completed and beautifully mixed, you can start to grease the cake tin mold. I use 20×10 tin mold. It leaves you very little batter to pour into another tin mold. So, i suggest you to use the 20×20 ones for a single batch cake. Brush the tin vertically with butter (the line will help the cake to raise as well, so they said, dunno for sure, that’s what they always say on tv cooking programs).
  • Pour in the batter into the tin carefully until half full. Tap the tin mold lightly to release the air that’s trapped in between the batter.
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  • Don’t forget to sprinkle a handful of toasted sliced almond on top.
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes in a preheated oven at 180°C.
  • Once you can smell the beautiful aroma of a fully baked cake (i believe you are familiar with that smell) from the oven, it’s a sign that your cake is ready. You can double check it by poking the cake with a thin long stick. If there’s no wet batter caught on the stick, your baking is done!
  • Take it out from the oven and leave it to cool down a bit before you can start to slice it.
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It’s super easy and the result is super yummy. You won’t believe how puff, fluffy and velvety it is even without any artificial leavening agents and improver. Serve it with hot jasmine tea on a rainy afternoon (well, it’s wet season now here in Indonesia). So simple & delicious cake that suits perfectly with current weather.

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Even the leftover batter that filled only 1/5 tin mold is doubled its size & raised beautifully.


Hi All…

Greetings to everyone who stumble upon my blog.


To cut the craps lemme just introduce my self. I go by my nickname here, so you can call me Max. I actually made 2 blog accounts before, but both of them are just vanished in a thin air. LOL. I was just too lazy to manage them, i ended up delete them.

So what makes me change my mind and establish another blog, to be specific a cooking blog?

The reason is simple. I just happen to have a lot of spare time and i spend it mostly by cooking. Learning from My Mum or just random blog & youtube video. The result of my cooking experiments are not always great but thanks to my art educational background, i always manage to take a decent picture with simple tool (read: my phone).

Right after i cook, i always snap a pict of it and post it on my social media accounts. My friends leave some comments asking for recipe. It’s been months and i became too impatient to reply them over and over again (they kept asking the same queations even if i have answered the similar question above their questions).

So, here i am. Writing a blog post. A cooking blog…i suppose. In the hope of making my life easier. Next time i post my food picture, i will just attach my blog post link. Hopefully it works! Hopefully.

Well. That’s my story.

Hope you enjoy my blog. Let’s learn together!

P.S: This blog will not be entirely in English. I will use Bahasa Indonesia and Suroboyoan Javanese or combination of them all. So don’t be so surprised if there would be some weird phrasal combination in the future posts. You’ve been warned! 😉