BOLU PANGGANG TANPA PENGEMBANG | Basic Vanilla Sponge Cake with No Artificial Improver

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We, me & my family, don’t really adopt a healthy lifestyle. We do try our best to look for healthier choices, though. Like this recipe i am about to share. It’s not necessarily healthier than the regular sponge cake with added artificial substances. No chemical improver means more eggs. More eggs equal to higher cholesterol numbers.

Still, there is this different level of satisfaction when you can bake the cake perfectly without additional improver. It’s like when you can manage to keep the house clean & spotless without any helps from a maid or cleaning service. Well, i don’t know if that’s the right comparison. For me personally, that’s what i can think of.

I guarantee that you’ll love this recipe. It is super easy, like seriously, super easy even for amateur baker like me. The prep only takes 15 minutes and it needs 20-25 minutes to bake. The result is super satisfying. The cake is moist, fluffy and raise perfectly (mine was super puffed and even cracked).


Basic Vanilla Sponge Cake with Almond Sprinkled on Top


  • 6 Eggs. Whites & yolk separated.
  • 190gr Sugar. I use granulated (you may use powdered sugar, no icing sugar)
  • 200gr Low Protein Flour. Sieved.
  • 75ml Cooking Oil.
  • 115ml Luke Warm Water.
  • 1tsp Salt. To taste.
  • 1tsp Vanilla Essence/Paste/Freshly scraped vanilla bean.
  • A handful of Almond. Toasted & sliced.



  • Beat the egg whites with your electric hand mixer until it forms stiff & firm peak. Start with the lowest speed and gradually increase the speed to the fastest.
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  • In different bowl, mix the egg yolks and sugar. Beat the mixture well until it becomes frothy and the color turns pale.
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  • Pour in warm water, cooking oil and vanilla essence into the mixture. Beat it with the hand mixer in low speed.
  • Turn off your electric hand mixer. Sieve in the flour and salt. Fold in the flour into the mixture until there is no lump in the batter.

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  • The batter is not ready just yet. The last step to complete the batter is to add in the whisked egg whites. Fold in the egg whites into the batter with your spatula. Don’t over mix it as it needs the air in the whisked egg whites.
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  • Once the batter completed and beautifully mixed, you can start to grease the cake tin mold. I use 20×10 tin mold. It leaves you very little batter to pour into another tin mold. So, i suggest you to use the 20×20 ones for a single batch cake. Brush the tin vertically with butter (the line will help the cake to raise as well, so they said, dunno for sure, that’s what they always say on tv cooking programs).
  • Pour in the batter into the tin carefully until half full. Tap the tin mold lightly to release the air that’s trapped in between the batter.
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  • Don’t forget to sprinkle a handful of toasted sliced almond on top.
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes in a preheated oven at 180°C.
  • Once you can smell the beautiful aroma of a fully baked cake (i believe you are familiar with that smell) from the oven, it’s a sign that your cake is ready. You can double check it by poking the cake with a thin long stick. If there’s no wet batter caught on the stick, your baking is done!
  • Take it out from the oven and leave it to cool down a bit before you can start to slice it.
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It’s super easy and the result is super yummy. You won’t believe how puff, fluffy and velvety it is even without any artificial leavening agents and improver. Serve it with hot jasmine tea on a rainy afternoon (well, it’s wet season now here in Indonesia). So simple & delicious cake that suits perfectly with current weather.

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Even the leftover batter that filled only 1/5 tin mold is doubled its size & raised beautifully.

4 thoughts on “BOLU PANGGANG TANPA PENGEMBANG | Basic Vanilla Sponge Cake with No Artificial Improver

  1. ndu.t.yke says:

    It looks like a cake from a cake shop 🙂

    • The Maque says:

      Fresh from the oven! My (ngerepotin) oven tangkring 😀
      Seriously so easy and yummy. You shud try! I think it can also be ‘baked’ in rice cooker kok. 😉

      • ndu.t.yke says:

        thank you for the suggestion. I prefer the recipe which needs less eggs, tho, if I’m gonna bake it inside the rice cooker. kuatir telornya ngga mateng paripurna, cynnn! 😉

      • The Maque says:

        Oiyessss. It is rich of eggs ya hahaha. Susah sih, even the regular version with the artificial improvers has a lot of eggs too.. 😦

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