Daily Archives: March 24, 2016


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Yesterday i posted a picture of my homemade Fettuccine Carbonara on my social media accounts. The response was quite frenzy. Pasta dishes have become some kind of comfort food for our family. We enjoy pasta a lot, be it spaghetti, fettuccine, penne, macaroni, fusilli, etc. Whether it is cooked only with garlic & oil, bolognese sauce, carbonara, alfredo, pesto or other cooking style. Since a lot of people asked me about the recipe of yesterday’s Fettuccine Carbonara, i will share it to y’all in this post.

This post also marks my comeback to the blogsphere. It’s been too long i haven’t posted any recipe on the blog due to my hectic schedule the past few months. Now that everything is back to normal, i can spare my time to cook, bake and hopefully write & share a lot more recipe here. Since i didn’t plan to share this recipe, i couldn’t give you the step by step pictures as usual.

So yeah, here’s the recipe:

F E T T U C C I N E  C A R B O N A R A
Serves 6 people (a big fat family of six)

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  • 450 gr of Dried Fettuccine. Cooked to Al Dente.
  • 3/4 Onion. Chopped.
  • 3 cloves of Garlic. Chopped.
  • Smoked Beef / Bacon / Sausage as you wish. Cut into the shapes you preferred.
  • 3/4 cup of Full Cream Milk.
  • 1/2 cup of Cheese (Parmigiano Reggiano / Edam / Cheddar / as you wish or whatever available in your cupboard). Grated.
  • 4 Egg Yolks. Whisked together with Milk & Cheese.
  • Ground Black Pepper and Salt. To taste.


  • Cook the pasta. Read the detailed direction of how i cook the pasta here.
  • Put a pan over medium high heat. Drizzle a good amount of olive oil into the pan. Pre heat the oil.
  • Put the sliced smoked beef / bacon in the preheated oil in the pan. Stir it until the edges crisp.
  • Add the onion and cook until translucent.
  • As the onion turns transparent, add in the garlic. Cook it for 30-40 seconds. Watch the fire as the garlic burnt easily.
  • Sprinkle salt and freshly ground paper into the pan. Continue stir all the ingredients and let it cook for at least five minutes over low heat.
  • In a large bowl, add in the egg yolks, grated cheese and milk. Season it with salt and fresh ground black pepper. Whisk the mixture well.
  • Back to the pan. Add in the cooked pasta in the pan. Pour a little pasta water in it. Mix the pasta and the sautéed ingredients well.
  • Turn off the heat. Put out the pan from the stove. Pour in the egg mixture into the pan
  • Bada-bing-bang-boom. Your pasta is ready to serve. You can also add additional grated cheese or a sprinkle of your preferred dry herbs before serving.
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Processed with VSCO

Serves it while it’s still steaming hot. In my family, we would even bring the pan on the dining table as soon as it’s ready. Then, we just scoop out the pasta as desired personal portion. Scoop more if there’s any leftover, cuz each one of the family members have different capacity to digest the food.  So, this is totally the dish that calls out the whole family to the dining table. Have a try, Peeps!